Here, for the first time captured on film, are the international sightings of Sock Monkey. Join him as he travels the globe in search of adventure, decent mai tais and the perfect wave. He is . . . the most interesting monkey in the world.
Ready to take on the Irish in South Bend.
On the Oregon coast, he tries his hand at a rail bike.
Who is responsible for this? Well, that would be me. And for God’s sake, why? It all started with a stupid television ad several years ago. The Pentium III chip featured a series of dancing animated toys to show off the power of their graphics processor. In the ad, the Sock Monkey danced toward the screen waving his arms about wildly to the tune of Jorge Ben’s Ponte de Lanca Africano (Umbabarauma). It really was quite catchy. I suggest checking the tune out.
Cindy thought this was the greatest, most ridiculous thing she’d ever seen, so I went out and bought a sock monkey for her next birthday. And for reasons neither of us can explain, we’ve taken this thing along with us whenever we’ve travelled since then.
And yes, we know it’s weird. But c’mon, you read down this far, so you think it’s kinda fun, too.